Ответы на упражнение


  1. When the plane (take off), I will drink something. - When the plane takes off, I will drink something.
  2. Granny is asking you if you (stay) for the weekend. - Granny is asking you if you will stay for the weekend.
  3. Granny wants to make three meat pies if you (stay) for the weekend. - Granny wants to make three meat pies if you stay for the weekend.
  4. I will leave you if you (come) home drunk again. - I will leave you if you come home drunk again.
  5. Maybe you know when Monica (be) 25? - Maybe you know when Monica will be 25?
  6. Maybe you can phone Monica when she (be) 25? - Maybe you can phone Monica when she is 25?
  7. Do you know that the pig will bite you if you (run) after it? - Do you know that the pig will bite you if you run after it?
  8. If you (run) after the pig, I’ll take your photo. - If you run after the pig, I’ll take your photo.
  9. Doctor, can you tell me when my hamster (have) babies? - Doctor, can you tell me when my hamster will have babies?
  10.  Doctor, can you tell me if my hamster (have) babies? - Doctor, can you tell me if my hamster will have babies?


Помните: хорошо заговорить по-английски очень легко, надо только воспользоваться волшебным ключиком.


Вот он: после того, как вы проверите правильный вариант, скажите каждое предложение вслух много раз, внятно и отчетливо.


После этого повторите то же самое некоторое время спустя – на следующий день, через неделю, и т.п., а потом - еще пару раз.


И вы обнаружите, что говорите правильные конструкции автоматически!


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